Scott Epp

Setting Goals to Set Goals

Source: By Scott Epp Goal setting is a common issue in today’s society. People recognize that goal setting is an important part of life, yet they lack the vision and the motivation needed to accomplish the goals they set. We set goals in New Year to lose weight or pay off [...]

Setting Goals to Set Goals2015-04-21T05:27:47+00:00

Sydney Siege / Hostage Shooting – Living or Leaving a Legacy?

These are just my reflections on the terrible siege at Martin Place in Sydney and how they what has happened has stirred me to ask questions about what legacy means. Click play to watch the video or read more below. These are just my reflections on the terrible siege at Martin Place in Sydney. My wife [...]

Sydney Siege / Hostage Shooting – Living or Leaving a Legacy?2015-03-31T02:12:33+00:00
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