About Scott Epp C.P.C. (Certified Professional Coach, Corporate Trainer and Motivational Speaker)

Well, would you be surprised about his humble start in life? He grew up on a farm in Laird Saskatchewan. Scott operated his powerful Life Coaching / Business Coaching practice in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada from 2009 – 2013. In August of 2013 Scott moved to Sydney Australia with his Wife and Soul mate Nicole and their boys. Today Scott’s Life Coaching, Business Coaching and Corporate Training Company is based in Maroubra (in the Eastern Suburbs) of Sydney Australia. Scott’s Vision for his life is to help 1000s of people around the world to connect with their authentic amazing self so that they can live with passion and have abundance in life.

photo_12What gives Scott any reason though to show you the way to your passions, to help you with your transition into living a life far from the mundane and full of abundance? His educational background is in-depth. From being a Certified Professional Coach awarded to him by the International Coach Academy, to being part of Briercrest Bible College. Scott has also attended and been rewarded with certificates from Global Priority, Heart Life, Horizon College and the Catch the Fire Leader School. All of these make him more prepared to help you transition into a life lived with purpose & abundance.


For almost 10 years Scott Epp has prepared and presented over  hundreds of speeches and talks, competing at the highest levels as an International Toastmaster.  He is experienced at Emceeing and giving special talks at various events.

For 2 years Scott has also led a Young Adult Support Group while being a coach of a competitive slow pitch team in the S.C.S.L. leading them to 4 championships in the last 11 years.

Along with all of this, he was a top sales representative in the Information Technology sector, Scott managed sales teams and accounts for some of the largest companies in the nation. With his skills and understanding of business mechanics, Scott was able to start his own successful real estate and property holding company. He remains the president of this venture and is currently celebrating its 10-year anniversary.


With all of these experiences, Scott has decided to give back to the world; to help others push through whatever obstacles are blocking them from reaching their full potential and to truly allow them to live a life of abundance like himself.

The inspiration that made Scott start his newest and most loved business venture, Abundance Coaching.

Where he gives people the exact tools they need to not only live happier, but to find their purposes in life as well as the core values that will allow them to catapult to the tops of their industries.

Scott is also a certified trainer with Global Priority where he works with businesses and individuals as a corporate trainer Scott and Greg Trainingcoaching them on universal success principles and values that will enable them to be more productive, have courage, become better leaders, be self governed and have incredible vision. Scott get’s employees and leaders to reach their full potential individually and in their team. Now living in Sydney Australia Scott has over 5000 hours of Professional Coaching where he truly get’s people to become their authentic amazing best. Scott also founded www.breakthroughcorporatetraining.com.au where he and his Business Partner Greg Beech have trained and presented talks to over 85,000 people world wide. Their Breakthrough technology, leadership development training established them as authorities in the Personal and Professional Coaching and Training world. 


photo_15Scott is passionate about life and he believes whole heatedly in the cliché “Dance like Nobody’s watching!” He loves people and has an extraordinary belief that people can and do change if they have reasons to hope, they are willing and they have good people to champion them to higher levels. Scott is realistic and optimistic, ambitious, kind and motivating.

Scott Epp’s Essential Core Values In Life are: Faith, Family, Financial Independence, Integrity, Wisdom, Leadership and Encouragement. So now you know more about Scott, send him and at sc***@ab***************.com, call him at +61 481 307 778 or click this link.  In only one session Scott will get you extreme clarity and focus with where you are at in your life and then together you will break down your biggest challenges and create your powerful Life Purpose Plan!
